Tuesday, March 31, 2009

House back on the table?

So, the house wasn't really off the table for long. We are not yet sure how we are going to swing it or if we can swing it at all, but we are certainly going to try. We have 7 houses to look at this weekend, and another 5 next weekend. We are trying to find something we like and get the ball rolling by the end of the month. It's crazy terrifying to think we have a deadline that is that close. We can manage to extend our deadline by 2 or 3 weeks, but we would rather not.

I turned in my financial aid appeal today. They said I should hear back in a week. I am so nervous, but I am hoping that I get back good news. We will see...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Less Money, Mo Problems

The car has been having some problems, the steering column has been shaking at higher speeds, and there is a rattling in the door, and pressure in the breaks. Thankfully all this is covered in my warranty, the problem is that we needed to get all 4 tires replaced. Bye bye savings.. At this point I am not sure what we are going to do about the wedding. I am sure we will figure out a way to pay for it, but it just seems like any time we get ahead life comes around and knocks us on our ass. Is this just how life as a young adult couple with only one income is? I really can't wait to finish school and start working. I am going to get my CNA next semester, and then I hope to start working full time in the hospital. In 2012 I will graduate with my RN and a BSN. Then the fun really begins. I will be working full time, making good money. I long for those days. I long for the days when we won’t have to worry so much about money. I hate it; I hate the sacrifices Trey has to make while I am in school. I feel so guilty, I feel like it would have been better had I not enrolled in school. I want so badly to be a nurse, but I hate that I can't have a real job. My school hours change every 4 months. It's hard to find a company that will deal with that. Right now I work for a company called Comfort Keepers. I really like it there; I pretty much get to set my own hours. So maybe this will be something that I will be able to hold on to once I start school again.

I have been considering working towards a CRNA, or NP degree. NP’s aren't as recognized in my state as in others. So that’s a little discouraging, I can't work on my own and it seems like most people out here would rather see a MD than an NP. I have read that CRNA is the best job in the hospital. I plan to shadow one sometime soon and see what it’s really all about. It was actually the first specialty I wanted to go in to. NP sounds amazing because I can go any where from there.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Finishing a post

I have started the same post 3 times and each time I never finish it. So I vow to finish this post.

Let’s see, life has been pretty busy. I am working with about 6 clients which is not a whole lot, but a few of them are about 30 minutes away, so drive time can be an issue. I lost a client last week, she passed away. I hadn't known her very long, and I was kind of expecting it due to her behavior going down hill. I was still pretty sad, she was a very nice lady and it was sad to see her suffering. I also had to drop a client this week due to her treatment of me. I don't mean to sound entitled and I understand that I am not going to encounter pleasant people in my career field, but this lady took it to a whole new level. She would yell at me non stop, commented on all aspects of my personal life and told me that I needed to go to church or I would go to hell.

I have been trying to get ready for school again. I have to do a FA appeal since I did so poorly last semester. It's hard for me to understand why I am not doing well in College. I had a 3.75 in high school and I am not even close to pulling that right now. I wonder if its because I haven't been in school for 9 years. This semester I really want to do better, dedicate more time to my homework, and keep up with my classes.

I have been spending a lot of my time painting lately. I love it, sometimes it comes out looking like crap, but I love it. Of course my artistic ability is nill, so I am doing abstract art which is a nice way of saying painting with no skill. A few of my paintings have come out really nice. I will take some pictures and try and get them online.

Anyway, tonight is a pretty relaxed evening for me. I am catching up on my shows and waiting for the crazy storm we are supposed to get tonight. I love the rain, there is something about a wicked storm that gets me excited. Though, now that I live in Kansas wicked storms can be pretty scary as well.

Trey and i have been looking for a house, we have seen about 12. We have found 2 that we really like. We were hoping to be done with the house hunting last weekend but it doesn't look like that is going to happen, especially since I have found quiet a few houses that I want to look at.