Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Less Money, Mo Problems

The car has been having some problems, the steering column has been shaking at higher speeds, and there is a rattling in the door, and pressure in the breaks. Thankfully all this is covered in my warranty, the problem is that we needed to get all 4 tires replaced. Bye bye savings.. At this point I am not sure what we are going to do about the wedding. I am sure we will figure out a way to pay for it, but it just seems like any time we get ahead life comes around and knocks us on our ass. Is this just how life as a young adult couple with only one income is? I really can't wait to finish school and start working. I am going to get my CNA next semester, and then I hope to start working full time in the hospital. In 2012 I will graduate with my RN and a BSN. Then the fun really begins. I will be working full time, making good money. I long for those days. I long for the days when we won’t have to worry so much about money. I hate it; I hate the sacrifices Trey has to make while I am in school. I feel so guilty, I feel like it would have been better had I not enrolled in school. I want so badly to be a nurse, but I hate that I can't have a real job. My school hours change every 4 months. It's hard to find a company that will deal with that. Right now I work for a company called Comfort Keepers. I really like it there; I pretty much get to set my own hours. So maybe this will be something that I will be able to hold on to once I start school again.

I have been considering working towards a CRNA, or NP degree. NP’s aren't as recognized in my state as in others. So that’s a little discouraging, I can't work on my own and it seems like most people out here would rather see a MD than an NP. I have read that CRNA is the best job in the hospital. I plan to shadow one sometime soon and see what it’s really all about. It was actually the first specialty I wanted to go in to. NP sounds amazing because I can go any where from there.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! NPs are making big strides with our abilities to take care of our patients state by state.
