Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The way the diet cookie crumbles

Full Article here: www.webmd.com/diet/features/compulsive-overeating-and-how-to-stop-it

"People who are obese are the ones who have no money, no education, eat cheap sugar and fat, and live in neighborhoods where cheap sugar and fat are the only things available," Drewnowski says. "We say they should choose better. But in our society, they have no choice."

News to me.. I read it twice before I was sure I got it right. I make bad choices cause I like the way it tastes not because I am uneducated and poor. I just can't believe it. My aunt who is a lawyer, definitely not uneducated or poor, is obese. My other aunt is a stay at home, but has a degree and lives in a million dollar home, is obese. I am in my 3rd year of college on my way to a masters and possibly a Doctorate... I am fat...

Anyway, the rest of the article has some good information so it may be worth the read.

I started back tracking my calories on Sparkpeople and eating right. This morning I had an egg and bacon sandwich and for a snack I had some strawberries with Fat Free whip cream. yumm yumm. I may walk on the treadmill later but I am not sure. I want to go swimming but they don't have the pools up out here. At least not at my apartment. I am so sad. All the pools are up all over town, but they are slacking here. A couple of years ago I lost 80 pounds in 6 months by swimming everyday. I am planning to ask my fiancée for a puppy when I make it half way to my goal weight.

Trey and I are getting ready to buy a house soon after the wedding. I am so excited, stressed but excited. School begins again, June 1st I am really excited to get back to work. I am also taking a fitness class so that will help me with my weight loss. I am very excited!

We are also trying to get in shape so that we can start TTC! I am worried what the doctor might say about me getting and being pregnant. I have a heart condition called Supra Ventricular Tachycardia. I did meet another girl that has the exact same condition and she is Pregnant and has said it is going well. I need to get my blood pressure under control. I know right now its a little high, pre hypertension. So here is hoping that I can make some significant changes in my diet and health in the next 6 months.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New news

I found out about a different nursing specialty: Perfusion, I am doing research about it now, and it seems really interesting. I am still mid research but I think it could be something I would be interested in, though I am finding that there is not a lot of information available on it. There is a College in Upstate New York that has a Perfusion program, but that is the only school I have seen that has a real program for it. Even KU (Medical School) doesn't appear to have a Perfusionist program. So right now I am just seeing what I can find out..

Trey (the Fiance) got some extra work at the company his Dad works for, so that is GREAT! We can use all the extra cash we can get right now. I CANNOT wait for the wedding to be over and done with, I love the fact that I am marrying my fiance, but I just want to be married already. I want life to return to normal, no more "What should I be planning right now" thoughts.

Well, I know there was more... but I can't remember so I guess this will be a mini blog.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Beating a dead horse.... and other updates

So once again I have started doing research on what I want to be when I grow up. I am having difficulty figuring out where a nurse fits into Fertility, which I believe is my chosen specialty. I talked to a IVF specialist about what I should do to get into the field. His answer for me was to get a job as a nurse at a fertility clinic. Which is good advice, but its not what I want to do. I want to have patients, I want to do research, I want to run tests, make breakthroughs. I want to finally see my patient get pregnant, or be there for them emotionally when they can't. I know a lot of this I can do as a RN, but not all of it. At the same time I am not sure I can give myself to med school. I also wouldn't ask my family to go through it all with me. Plus I wont even get of school for my RN till I am 30 and I can't change majors now. I know that if I get my NP I can be happy. I would have to let go of the dream of working in Fertility. If I get my CRNA I would probably be even happier because I wouldn't have to choose a specialty.

Wow, I feel better... I should come back and read this post next time I am having doubts. I kinda feel like CRNA is the way to go since I wont have to pick a specialty that I wont love as much as fertility. But I hear that the Mal Practice insurance for a CRNA is outrageous.

Lets move on, school is starting back up, and I am excited to get back to it. I have been so disappointed in my performance as of late. I feel ready to take on my semester and get my act together. The wedding is coming along, Almost all the wedding invites are addressed and ready to be sent out. I need to set up a cake tasting pretty soon. Maybe this Friday, we are always so busy though. It seems like in a matter of moments a months worth of weekends disappear. Lucky for me school is starting soon, I will use it as an excuse "sorry, can't help you walk your dog next weekend. I have to study." Its not that I don't love our family and our friends, I just miss sleep, and relaxing, and hanging with my fiance.

I have been watching house hunters recently, and I think I would love to live in Seattle, WA. Its so pretty there, but expensive.

Well I need to finish our wedding web page and register for the wedding. I will try and blog more often.